Saturday, May 07, 2011


My mom is the most amazing woman I know.

It takes awhile for children to realize just how much their mother's do for them.  
When you're little you need them.
When you're teens you push them away.
When you're in college you need them for money and see them on holidays.

But once you're an adult, on your own, you begin to understand.

You begin to realize how much they've done for you.  
You think back to all the wonderful things she has done for you.  All the sacrifices she has made.
All the love she has given you.  
All the unconditional love.

You remember all the memories. 
And you wonder how you can ever thank her enough.

Mom, we'll never be able to thank you enough for all you've done for us and for all you still do for us.  But, we want you to know we remember.  We cherish those memories. We want to share some that you know everything you did made an impression on us and made us who we are today.  I asked my siblings what they remember best about Mom growing up.

Brendan said...

I remember the stories she would tell us about her childhood and growing up. I remember the awesome birthday cakes, the trips to the library and bike rides when we were little. I also remember her having to constantly yell at her daughters because they were bad children. I don't recall her ever yelling at her son though. ;) ;-) Mostly I remember how she was always there for us.

And after meeting and hearing about so many other people's moms, I realize just how lucky we are to have a mom who is so kind, loving, patient and not crazy.

 Caitlin said...

I remember we always wanted her to tell us stories of when we were babies too. I remember notes in my lunchbox. I remember for a school pageant, I was a parrot and she made me a crepe paper costume that was a million times better than any other kid's. I remember lots of arts and crafts and books! I remember her crying when she dropped me off at college.
I just got Oprah tickets, which reminds me of Mom watching Oprah every day after school....always w/ a cup of coffee (and maybe some vanilla wafers). I remember we HATED Oprah then, and called her Oprah Wimpy.
We have the BEST mom EVER!

Meghan said...

I remember her french braiding my hair for softball. I remember her forcing me to wear a dress on Christmas and Easter. I remember her rocking me and singing “Hush Little Baby” until I fell asleep. I remember her waiting up at night for me to make sure I got home safe. I remember her doing everything she could to try and wake me up in the morning. I remember her always knowing the answer to every question I ever had and on the rare occasions that she didn't have the answer, she'd look it up. I remember her ringing the dinner bell when it was time to come home for dinner. I remember her being at every one of my sporting and school events. I remember the “Pet Cemetary” that she helped us make for all of the bunnies, birds and mice that fell victim to our cats. I remember her reading Berenstain Bears, Miss Nelson is Missing and Little Critter books to me. I remember her putting a masking tape line down the center of mine and Caitlin's room and told us we couldn't go into each other's half. I remember when she took the neighbor girl and me to the gas station to let us cash in the pop cans we collected from the woods, and then took us to Ace Hardware to let us buy ropes and pulleys for our fort. I remember her taking me to the library. I remember how she loved helping us with our school projects and how her creative ideas always made ours better than everyone else's. I remember when I climbed out of my car seat, put the station wagon in gear and started rolling down the driveway when she jumped in, slammed on the brakes and my head bashed into the steering wheel. Ok, I really don't remember that, but that's what happened. Most of all, I remember her never giving up on me, loving me through all my ups and downs and simply being the best mom anyone could ask for.

And I said...

I remember when I was an only child and not having anyone to play with...except my mom, who was always willing to build a block house with me, play barbie's in the doll house she made for me, or play board games (especially Boggle).  I remember her rescuing me from all the bat's that would inevitably wind up in my room at night.  I remember bike rides...and the time I nearly ended up in the Mississippi because my braking wasn't the greatest. I remember her taking me to endless practices for softball.  I remember her playing catch with me in the back yard and yelling at me to not throw it so hard.  I remember all the times I was sick with strep throat and she would make everything better sitting with me and comforting me and bringing Punky to cuddle up with me.  I remember her helping me with lines for the play's I was in.  I remember never realizing we didn't have much money growing up.  I remember doing iron on's to some sweatshirts...the cat was my favorite.  I remember the outfits she would make for us and only wish I was as crafty as she.  I remember she is the one that did all the laundry.  She is the one that gave us all baths.  She is the one that read us stories and tucked us in at night.  She is the one that cooked us dinner, made our lunches (often with little notes, as Caitlin pointed out).  She is the one that did the cleaning.  She was there for us...always.  I remember setting up endless towns on the built-in in my bedroom on Parkway street...she, Brendan, and I.  I remember her cheering me on at all my sporting events.  I remember her helping me with papers.  I still rely on her for pointing out my grammatical errors I'm forever making on this blog.  I remember her letting me stay up late to watch St. Elsewhere with her.    I remember so many, many sacrifices she made for us.  But I never remember her ever complaining. 

So, today we want you know we remember...and we thank you, so very, very much for being the most amazing mother anyone could ever ask for.

We love you, now and forever.

Happy Mother's Day, Mom.

1 comment:

Pam said...

How do I even begin to thank you for this amazing tribute? I have the best children in the world, and I love each one of you with all my heart!