Thursday, May 26, 2011


Tomorrow is Camdyn's last day of preschool.  I can hardly believe she'll be off to Kindergarten next year.  Her classroom held an ice cream social today.  Rowyn, Daddy, and I went.  

It is the last year for her preschool.  They're closing it after this year due to budget cuts.  It's been around for a long time.  My mom used to teach there back in the 70's.  

I went half days there for 7th and 8th grade.  I'll never forget my music teacher, Ms.Adrian, who walked around the room while we sang, to be certain we had our mouths open at least two fingers wide.  She also rocked the polyester leisure suit.  

"Wade in the Water" was her favorite song. 
Wade in the water, children.
Wade in the water, children.
God's a gonna trouble, the wa-ter.

I'm surprised they permitted it in a public school.  
I know it would never fly today...some parent would have a conniption.

Cooper went there for preschool and now Camdyn.  

Bye've served us well.

I'm not sure why Clyde looks so grumpy. haha

I made teacher and bus driver gifts idea I found at eighteen25.  A Starbucks gift card will go in the little sleeve.

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