Tuesday, August 03, 2010

The Empty Bed

We always check on the kids before we go to bed, usually around 11:00ish. You can imagine my surprise when I opened Rowyn's door and found her bed empty and her nowhere in sight. There was evidence in her bed that she'd been very busy, what with a video game, books, blankets, and a telephone. Then I heard a sound...coming from her closet.

The door was cracked enough that I could make out a shape, so I listened. I heard talking, "Night, night, Dora."
**pretend crying**
"Mommy, Mommy!"
**pretend crying**
"No, hate bed!"

So, I opened the door to find her playing with the dollhouse...and from what I gathered, Dora's mom was having just as much problem getting Dora to sleep, as we were with Rowyn.


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