Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Robo Mom

I am beginning to think Roto Rooter should hire Lumpy for advertising. She can clog the toilet and they can go in and attempt to unclog it...I'm sure she'll utilize a plethora of different objects and make it quite a testimony to their ability. Sounds like the makings of a great commercial. I bring this up, because she's been at it again, remember HERE and HERE? Well, recently she's taken it to an all new level.

I had just gotten to work when my Mom called, she was babysitting at my house, Lumpy had clogged the toilet yet again. In an effort to get it cleaned up before the baby decided to play in it, my mom slipped and fell on the wet tile floor of the bathroom. She told me she was quite certain she had fractured her arm. Clyde was working a half-hour out of town, so he rushed home. My Dad drove out to my house to help my Mom and eventually drive her to Acute Care. After several xrays, the doctor in Acute Care called in an orthopedic surgeon. Not only had she broken both her radius and ulna, but she would need surgery to correct their placement.

Introducing Robo Mom and her bionic arm, also known as an external fixator.
My dad refers to it as her gun sight, I think it looks like part of an old typewriter. Unfortunately, she's stuck with it for 8 weeks...and yes, she's right-handed.

It is set at such a weird angle.

I'm sorry, Mom. I wish I could fast-forward and have it all done and over with. The only good thing that has come out of this, is that it has forced you to actually sit down and relax...and you've gotten quite proficient at putting your eyeliner on with your left hand. ;)
We love you! ♥

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