Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Eyes, nose, and mouth

I'm sorry it has been so long since I last blogged. The month of December has been chaotic; between work, the kids schedules, and cyber-shopping, I haven't had much time for anything. My depression is always worse during the winter months too, so my motivation always takes a hit.

Yesterday the kids played school. Riley was the teacher and Cooper and Camdyn the students. One of their assignments was to color an elf Riley had drawn for them.

Camdyn seemed to go for an abstract look.
Miss Riley gave her an E, for exceeds expectations.

Miss Riley gave Cooper an N for needs improvement, because he chose to give his elf pink eye. He subsequently started to cry after hearing his grade and ran to his room, slamming his door behind him. Oh the drama. He explained to me he was coloring the elf to look like him. Yes, pink eye and all. Conjunctivitis is currently reeking havoc in our house...for everyone but Clyde. He'll be next though, because he's been bragging to anyone that will listen how he's the only one that hasn't gotten it. Just wait, Fire, just wait...them there eyes are going to match your hair.

Also making the list of excitement this past week, Camdyn stuck a glittery bead up her nose the other night. I grabbed the tweezers and was just about to perform nasal surgery when she decided to farmer blow it out instead.

Rowyn proved to make things interesting, as well. She is very adept at ripping ornaments off the tree, which isn't that much of a big deal, until she decided to EAT the glass ornament. Yep, chewed the end right off it. She didn't seem to enjoy the flavor, so hopefully, that'll be the last time for that.

After messing with different lotions and prescriptions from her pediatrician, I finally took Camdyn to a dermatologist. She has atopic dermatitis and was given two new prescriptions, as well as, the recommendation to use Aveeno bar soap and to put a cap full or two of regular household bleach in her tub water. The poor girl was covered head to toe in a rash, she had scratched so much, that she had open skin over half her body. So far the new meds seem to be helping, thankfully.

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