Saturday, August 02, 2008

Day Care Dilemma ~

I have applied for a new position within my current company, it is a part-time day more weekends, no more holidays, no more nights...I would LOVE it! So, in order for it to work, we need to find day care for Camdyn and Rowyn. I've called countless places in town and haven't had much luck, most have waiting lists well into next year.

I found an in-home day care that has openings, so I scheduled a tour for Friday. She has the day care in her basement and when we walked in the door, I about cried...for two reasons. First and foremost, because the thought of leaving my babies with a complete stranger is enough to rip my heart out and secondly, because my kids would be forced to look at her nasty mint green walls all day long. Her house is a brand new construction, she has the basement set up as one big area along one wall, futon and TV on another, bathroom, and a small toy area. There was a pack-n-play set up near her desk and computer and she pointed to it and said, 'That is where your baby will be during the day.' Once again, I about cried...I envisioned my little baby girl laying in that bed all day, no interaction, no stimulation, just mesh sides to look out of ALL DAY LONG. Nope, no way, no how, not happening...I could have walked right out at that point, but out of politeness, I stayed.

She talked about how she likes to take the kids outside in the afternoon, which would be perfect, but for the fact she has a 3-foot wrought iron fence surrounding her yard. Lumpy would be up and over that in 2 seconds flat...that coupled with the fact that old girl is short, fat, and pushing 70, there is NO way she'd ever catch Camdyn, she'd be off to the races.

The only positive point of the whole visit, was her price, $90 a week. Needless to say, I won't be calling her back.

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