Thursday, April 12, 2012

Peanut Butter Cup Cookies

It's official.  I have little to no willpower.  So, if there is candy lying around...I'm going to eat it.  A whole bowl of Reece's peanut butter cups was staring me in the face every time I walked in the kitchen.  I'd reason with myself that I could eat one, because they were so small...not nearly as big as the full size ones.  That lead to...well, I could eat two, that still probably is smaller than a big one.  That lead to three and then four and then, yeah..I probably ate the equivalent of two king size packs of those damn things.  I decided it was time to use them for something.  So, Rowyn and I made cookies. 

I followed the recipe on the back of the chocolate chip cookie bag.

Except, I put those evil little peanut butter cups in the center.

I used my cookie scoop and put an unwrapped peanut butter cup in the center and then formed the dough around it.  I put them in a cupcake liner, because I was afraid they'd melt all over a cookie sheet.

I baked them for about 14-15 minutes.

Ooey, gooey, goodness.

And I still ate those stupid peanut butter cups.  But now I ate them with about double the calories.  Brilliant move.  Thankfully, between my kids and the neighborhood kids they didn't last long.  Ha!

My plants and I are ready for this weather to warm up again.  It teased us with warm weather and now these last few nights we've had a freeze warning.  Boo!

While the cookies baked, I made pinwheels for my spring mantel.  Easy and fun to make.  

On a side note, Rowyn saw an episode of Toddlers and Tiaras the other day and was entranced.  She even picked up this lovely finger kiss and blow move she saw (that's what she is doing in the mulch picture).  Next thing she'll be asking for fake lashes and a spray tan.  Something tells me she would love the pageant world.  So not happening.  Go-go juice (Mountain Dew and Red Bull).  Thousands of dollars on skimpy outfits and stage props.  Eyebrow sculpting.  Crazy moms.  No thank you.

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