Friday, April 13, 2012


It warmed up yesterday afternoon, so Rowyn and I took Booth for a walk.

He had his tail up the whole way, you could just see how happy he was to be back out on the trail.  Sniffing things, investigating, being a dog.

Rowyn was happy too.  She did her own investigating, running, and flower picking.  She chattered the whole way.  It reminded me of a quote my friend Anna posted on FB...

“Listen earnestly to anything your children want to tell you, no matter what. If you don't listen eagerly to the little stuff when they are little, they won't tell you the big stuff when they are big, because to them all of it has always been big stuff.” 
― Catherine M. Wallace

What a good way to look at it.  The constant chatter is sometimes overwhelming, especially when it's coming at me from four small mouths.  But it's important to them...and sometimes the things they say are pretty darn funny.  I just need to stop and listen...and write down the funny stuff. :)

Back in his element.  
One happy, wet, smelly dog.

She couldn't find a bench to sit on that didn't have bird poop.  She was pretty disgusted and announced that birds need potty's. 

A pair of blue-winged teals flew in.  How sweet are they, bonded for life...or so I thought. I read today that pair bonds usually dissolve after incubation.  So he leaves her high and dry with a bunch of ducklings to raise.  Not just limited to their species, is it?  ;)

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