Friday, July 15, 2011

This week by Instagram

My flowers, which along with the rest of my yard, are now under a Japanese Beetle invasion.  I.hate.them.

Rowyn loves Booth. ♥

Riley and Cooper asleep in Riley's room.
Proof they do actually get along from time to time.

Waiting for Rowyn at the dentist.
She had two cavities filled (she has my genes to blame for that one).
She was a stellar patient and rewarded with a chocolate shake I bribed her with earlier.
Don't harangue me.
Bribery works...and the dentist even thanked me. haha.

Booth and the neighbor's puppy, Monster.
Booth is surprisingly gentle with him, even though Monster could easily be an hors d'oeuvres.

Riley catching.
Cooper backup catching.
A Kay invasion.

Little Rowyn on the Prairie.
Wearing an old dress of mine she found in a bin in the basement.

Sunset over Asbury.

It's Friday.
I work tonight and then I'm off for the weekend.
We've got nothing planned.
Just relaxing and going to the Harry Potter movie at some point.
I love free weekends!


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