Thursday, July 07, 2011

Diving Day

Waiting patiently for her turn.

She walks up pretty sure of herself.

Rethinking this whole diving board thing...

haha...her holy shit face

Happy back on the side of the pool.
Yay, did it!

Riley's turn...


Lumpy's up.

She had a death grip on the rails and had to be pried off.
Cooper's in the background doing his life guard pose. haha.

Hating this diving thing.

But she made it!

Cooper goes off the diving board all the time.  
No fear.
Which isn't always a good thing.
Two years ago, he went to a birthday party at the pool and had to be rescued off the bottom of the pool after he decided to go off the diving board without knowing how to swim.

Tomorrow is report card day. 
We find out who moves up and who has to stay at their current level.
They also get to go off the water slides which they always look forward to.

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