Monday, January 30, 2012

Basketball and a banana-orange smoothie

Well, Riley made it through her first Iowa Games tournament.  She couldn't fall asleep the night before, undoubtedly nerves and excitement.  They started at at 7:40am and played five games that day.  She was one tired girl by the end and came home and took a long nap.  She had a great time even though her team went 2-3.  This was her first season playing basketball and it has been fun watching her progress.  She's gained more confidence, learned the basics, and made some great new friends.


I jinxed myself at work last week.  Someone asked me how I work at the desk and am not sick all the time.  I made some comment about how my immune system has become pretty good since I've been there for nine years.  

The next day I woke up with a sore throat.

Next time I'll just smile and say, "Oh, I do."

So, I decided to try some Vitamin C to combat the stupid virus.  

So good!  The kids each had some and once they got past the look of it and actually tried it, they emptied their glasses.  Good stuff!

There are a plethora of smoothie or green monster recipes on the web, but since I only had bananas and clementines on hand that's what I used.

1½ to 2 cups baby spinach
3 clementines, peeled
2 bananas, peeled and sliced
½ to ¾ cup soy milk, almond milk, or skim
ice cubes

blend until smooth.


source google

Inspiration for this Monday morning.
This morning I choose to be tired and sick of this sore throat.
Not very inspiring. Ha!

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