Monday, November 14, 2011

Basketball and Butterfinger Bars

This weekend was filled with a basketball double-header, basement and bedroom cleaning, and work for me.  Flu season is starting, so we've been super busy.  So much coughing and hacking and sniffling...I feel like wearing a Hazmat suit to work.

Anyway,'s fun to see how much confidence she's gained since the beginning of the season.  She's learning the fundamentals and having fun doing it.  Perfect! 

She has a great coach, he's done a great job helping them learn the basics.


I also made the homemade butterfinger bars with inspiration from Caitlin...I used the same recipe she did from Bunsinmyoven.

Three ingredients and no easy is that?

It is crazy how much they taste like Butterfingers, CRAZY!  I kept mine in the fridge, because she mentions they're more crisp than chewy that way.  Please excuse the horrendous lighting, I forgot to take an after picture until later that night.

Even Booth thought they smelled yummy, he tried on several occasions to help himself to ten one of them.

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