Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Camdyn got a rose petal cottage from ho-ho this year. It takes up half the toy room, but whatever...I can hide toys in it if people come over. Haha!

Anyway, Clyde bought me a small box of Betty Jane Gremlins for Christmas. I love them, but don't need them...they are as evil as those damn peanut and Oreo balls. So after opening them, I had several (ugh) and then asked Clyde to put them on top of the refrigerator so I'd stop eating them. A few hours later, I went to sneak just one more and the box was missing.

Clyde, what did you do with the gremlins?

Put them on top of the fridge.

Well, they're not there now.

Now we're both looking all over for them. I hear paper rustling. I peak in the rose petal cottage, and there sits my very happy 3-year-old, with a now nearly empty box of Betty Jane Gremlins.

Guess that's one way to keep me from eating them.


Cait said...

Did you figure out how she got them from the top of the fridge?

Rinner said...

Come on Cait, you know Lumpy...when there is a will, there is a way. And this you know!