Thursday, February 07, 2008

Cooper's Romance ~
Cooper was in our bedroom playing Zelda on the xbox with Riley, they were quiet and staying out of trouble...or so we thought. Clyde went down the hall to check on them and, as soon as he entered the hallway, it struck him. There was a strong, overpowering smell emanating from our bedroom. He took a few steps into the room and about fell over...there Cooper sat at the edge of our bed, with a cloud of Ralph Lauren Romance hanging above his head. I'm not quite sure how many squirts he used, but from the strength of the smell coming from him, I'd guess he bathed in it.

We got him in the shower, where Clyde washed him with soap and shampoo and soap and shampoo...meanwhile, I cleaned up the bathroom. I found a hand towel that he had obviously used in an effort to erase the if that was possible. Needless to say, the towel is now gone. Even after the shower, he still reeks. I have to say, I feel sorry for his teachers and classmates, he's going to Peppy La Peu them tomorrow, no doubt!


Mar said...

Oh my gosh, that is just too funny!

Leslie said...

I can just imagine that the smell was probably enough to knock you out.

Glad it was your kid and not mine!